New to Me: Fibre-Beet |
August 25, 2023 |
Carol Barker from Edmond, OK United States
I read about this on an endurance rider's Facebook post and decided to try it. Fibre-Beet contains some alfalfa, vs the company's other product, Speedi-Beet. My mare likes normal beet pulp, most of the time, but when I really, really want her to eat it, is when she's Bleh about it.
I've been experimenting with it this August in our heat and humidity to try to get Endura-Max electrolytes in them, and its working so far. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I add some Purina Ultium and Max-E Glo rice bran...
The company says it will soak up water in about 10 minutes, but I find it takes more like 30 to be fully dissolved. It comes in the shape of broken pieces of very thick Ruffles potato chips and is dark green in color. My dog really likes it, too!
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